Friday, November 25, 2011

IPT Friday: 25th November 2011

1. Develop an applet to demonstrate the working of a "HIT-ME".
Instead of designing of a hit me, you can take a line or ellipse.

2. Develop a frame to demonstrate the working of pacman.

Just show a moving pacman with closing and opening of mouth.

3. Develop a moving snake game and control it by keyboard.

You just need to move it in a closed boundary.

4. Develop an applet to place a ball wherever you click, if the space been already occupied then ball can not be placed.

5. Create a frame to develop a mechanism to enter hobbies in a text box, on pressing enter the hobby should add in list of your hobbies. Also create a mechanism to remove a wrong entry from the list.


Monday, November 21, 2011

IPT Tuesday: 22nd November 2011

1. Create an applet demo of bouncing ball in the effect of g=9.8m/s2 from a user defined height chosen by the mouse events (use anonymous inner class). In each bounce the height reduction is 20% of original one.
2. Create a demo in which a frame is changing its background continuously in random manner, along with that it is also proving you a functionality to print the series 1+1/2+1/3........n, where n would be entered using text box.
Hint: Use MultiThreading
3. Create a demo in which whenever a character has been entered in to text box it should start searching that keyword from a file and start printing the count in front of the text box.
4. Create a demo to move a ball from a very steep path, the game should get over on touching of any boundaries. Finish only when it reaches finish point without touching any of the boundary.
Use: Mouse Handing Events

IPT Monday: 21st Nov 2011

1. Create an Applet to demonstrate a tic tac toe using mouse events handling, Use Inner Classes.

2. Create a window based program to demonstrate working of psychological answering machine, Use adapter classes. i.e. take one textbox for Q and another read only textbox for answers.

3. Create a multiple ball bouncing game based applet,
Hint: Use Multithreading
Caution: They can collide

4. Create a console based survey of at least 5 Questions to find his interests about technical gadgets.
You need to log his responses in separate files for separate users.
Logging activity should be part of separate user defined package.